I Need to Talk

Author's note: This is another 750 word entry. My thanks is given to cvmawirenut for editing. Hope you enjoy.


"Whatever you need to tell me, make it quick. You know I have my girls' night out tonight."

"Val, you can be a little late. I'm sure Steven won't mind."

"Uh . . uh Steven? Who are you talking about?"

"Steven, your principal and your lover for two years."

"Bryan, I don't know what . . . ."

"Shut up Valerie. I need to talk. You need to listen. Now, sit down!"

Valerie sat at the kitchen table with obvious fear on her face.

"I've known about you and Steven almost as soon as it began. I didn't say anything at first because I had hopes you would see the error of your ways and come back to me. After a while, I realized you were having a full-blown affair and it wasn't a short time fling.

"Val, do you remember when I had that last minute emergency trip to Detroit for work? Well, that was a lie. I went away to figure out what to do. I went to a divorce lawyer and found out that you would get custody of the kids and the house as well as half our money, alimony and child support. But the loss of money was not what made me give up on pursuing divorce.

"I could not tolerate being a part-time parent to my children. Even if you had allowed unlimited visitation, it still wouldn't be the same as living with them. Then, I thought that if you were divorced, Steven might get divorced and move in with you and the kids. Someone else taking over the father role from me allowed me to bear the burden staying with an unfaithful wife until the kids were on their own.

"I did do something though. I hired a private investigator. He took pictures, videos, and recordings of many of your times with Steven. It was difficult seeing what you two were doing, especially after you had told me that you would never swallow cum or participate in anal sex with any man. I guess that Steven must not be 'any man' because you sure did both with him on a regular basis.

"It was very difficult at first living in the same house with you. The worst was having sex with you because I knew you were thinking of Steven the whole time. I was happiest when we were doing something for or with the kids. Those were the only times I felt that we were still married. Sometimes I hoped that one of those experiences would jolt you back to your senses, but it never happened.

"What was also disappointing was your utter disregard for Steven's wife and kids and his utter disregard for me and our kids. You both knew the possible family destroying consequences of your actions, yet you both continued despite the betrayal of the morals you supposedly held so high. I pray that there is an accounting after death. God may want to hear your excuses and your apologies, but I don't, now or ever.

"You may be wondering why I am bringing this up tonight since we still have several years before the kids will be gone. Something has changed for me. I have Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. I will be dead in 2-3 months. Although I am not petitioning for a divorce, I have taken many divorce actions: Before I die, you will not be covered by any insurance I am now paying for: health, life, car and home. The kids now have a fully funded college tuition account. I used almost all of our funds in checking and savings to do that. Our kids are now the beneficiaries for my life insurance and 401K. When I die, you will have to support yourself totally.

"I say totally, because I doubt Steven will be able to help you much. Tonight, I have sent a composite video of Valerie and Steven's greatest sexcapades to his wife, our kids, your parents, yours and Steven's District Superintendent, and just about everyone on your email contact list. Since you have been lying to me about your faithfulness, I gave myself permission to lie and tell them all that you and Steven had been cheating on me even though you knew I have terminal cancer.

"But Bryan, I don't love him. I only love you. You couldn't be so cruel to tell everyone. I know you're lying about telling. It was just sex."

"And this is just revenge."












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