Soft-mouthed Sandy Pt. 04

"So, what do you think?"

Nan put the now-empty bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. "He drove you home, and you didn't even invite him in?!"

"Okay, to be fair, I wasn't planning on having a company."

"You could have at least brought him into the entryway and made out a little," Nan said. "I mean, seriously, how messier could this place get when I'm not here?"

I blinked. "I spent like an hour vacuuming and picking up," I said.

"Please," Nan said, looking around.

"So," I repeated, really puzzled as to how the place could still be dirty by her standards. "What do you think?"

"Well, so far, you're the top, and he's the bottom," she said. "But considering how much lip service (and throat-service) you've given describing his cock..."


"And the fact that you let him slide on that Bowie/Jagger reference," she said.


"And you obviously lied about liking Suspicion, Sean. Just to impress him."


"I'm just saying you are seriously thinking about giving up your butt cherry to this man!"


"And he is right," she said, smirking. "Your dirty talk was a tiny bit homophobic."

"...!?" (I don't know what my face looked like because I'm behind my face. Anyway, how do you punctuate an expression you can only feel and can't see?)

She giggled. "WHAT!? You want me to smack you and call you a dirty little cock-slut and wish you banished from my life?"

I fell back on the sofa, sighing. "No," I said.

"You're feeling guilty? Is that it?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

She came up from her end of the couch and draped herself across my chest. "I liked the bit about 'Gay Clippy,'" she laughed. "The first time I went down on a girl, I had a similar experience."

"Me too," I said. "With a girl, I mean."


"Only it was James Bond saying 'The things I do for England,'" I smirked.

"Your lip is bothering you less," she said.

"Still hurts."

She kissed it. "So," she said. "Are you jealous of Cass?"

I shrugged. "Sometimes," I said. "But I genuinely like her. And she seems to make you happy," I added.

Nan nodded. "Well," she said. "I've been with Cass about four months," she said.

"Dating four months," I said. "Screwing about three."

"See," she said, "Guys only keep score like that when it matters to them on some level."

"Okay," I admitted. "I've been a bit jealous."

"But you didn't fuck Sandy because you were jealous, right?"


"And you asked Fiona out because you genuinely like her, right?"


"And this kid, Bucky/Betty?"

"I think she would prefer Betty," I said. "And she's over 18. You have to be to get hormone treatments without parental consent in this state."

"You gave her your number because you're legitimately concerned for her?"


"Is there anybody in your life you are using or abusing for a cheap sexual thrill or out of a sense of megalomaniacal dominance?"

I considered. "There are a pair of tube socks I should probably throw away," I said.

She laughed.

I smirked cautiously.

"Well, your sense of humor is still as corny as ever," she said, nuzzling my nose.

"What time is it?" I asked.

She checked her wristwatch. "Just after 9," she said. "Do we dare check our cell phones?"

"Sandy doesn't have my number," I said. "It never came up."

She laughed, pulling out her cell. "I have his number," she said. "You want me to text your boy toy? Oh! Do we let him know that I know?" Nan asked. "'Hey Sandy..."

I grabbed her phone and tossed it away into an armchair. "Can we just be us right now?"

"I don't know," she said. "I can be me," she said. "But after what you told me about your cock-sucking skills, I'm not sure I can measure up."

I gripped her firmly by her ass and brought her up into a soft kiss that deepened. "Who do you think taught me what I liked?"

"It really is unfair that you got laid today, and I didn't," she said.

"I got a fat lip," I offered

"True," she nodded. "And your other 'would-be' girlfriend offered to let me deck her in return."

I let the right hand that was cupping her ass slide down behind her, rubbing the sweet spot of her short white shorts. "I think my lip is better," I said.

"Oh really?" She kissed me hard and firm. I felt my lip break open again and winced at the pain.

She pulled back, sitting up.

"Going to beg for mercy?"

"It's a good pain," I said.

She pulled her tie-dyed shirt up over her head, revealing her lacy yellow bra. She used the hem of her shirt to dab at my lip.

"You'll get your blood on me," she teased.

I unhooked her bra and her pert little tits bounced free. She ground the soft white material of her shorts against my crotch and undid my jeans.

She slid down and took my cock out, tongue darting out to edge along the thickening shaft. "The idea of you shooting a load down Sandy's throat really made me want to taste this thing."

"You've got some naughty bits I've wanted to taste myself."

She stood, peeling down her shorts and panties revealing her neatly trimmed public hair. It was the same strawberry blonde color as her ponytail.

She leaned into me. I nuzzled my nose into her soft short hairs and then lifted one of her legs up over my shoulder as I began kissing down to where her little pink hood covered her sweet clit.

I kissed the hood and then lapped along the flushing flesh of her labia, tasting her natural tang. She came forward more, pushing herself down on me, forcing me back as her vagina enveloped my tongue.

I lay prone as she ground her sweet little pussy over my lips.

She rode my face a few moments reaching back for my cock shaft and stroking it.

She flipped around. I brought my hands up to spread apart the cheeks of her ass and lapped at her opening like the treat it was. I could feel her lips on the tip of my shaft and after a few perfunctory socks, she took the whole length down her hot throat.

We worked each other's bits into a good frothy frenzy over several satisfying minutes. Eventually she pressed hard down upon me, moaning as I felt her shudder through a pleasant little orgasm. Her moaning around a throat full of my cock nearly sent my cum spiraling past her tonsils.

She gave me a chance to come up for air, dashing to the bathroom medicine cabinet. She returned, tossing me a condom.

I suited up and she straddled me on the sofa, guiding me gently inside of her tight freshly moistened opening.

She bucked a top me as I kissed her breasts. She pulled the tie from her hair letting it fall forward. I felt the soft blonde ringlets tumbling over top of my head.

She worked herself up and down quickening her pace. She yippee gently as once more she worked herself into another orgasm. I felt her keels tense around me and the pressure of her tightening around me forced me to coat the inside of my condom.

She kissed me, rolling off me. We stood together and went into my bathroom. I disposed of the soiled condom and we stepped into the shower together.

"This is my second shower today," I said.

"Yes, well. You're not sticking that thing up my butt without a bit of coaxing," she smiled.

I laughed. "You know, I'm perfectly content simply shampooing your hair and then helping you towel off before bed."

"Do I get warm boyfriend cuddles tonight?"

I kissed her. "But of course. Remember, though it's an early morning when you sleep over, Sundays."

"It's Spring Break," she said. "You don't have to go in, do you?"

"Journalism Department still has a paper to put out," I said, touching a bit of soap lather to the cute little up-turned tip of her nose.

"Oh, you're not going to stay up all night texting like a proper fuck boi? I can help you get your cock back to full attention, we can send Sandy a proper self-esteem of you showing off."

"You're having much to much fun with this. Maybe I can help you pick up a bit so when you have him over to split you open, he won't get turned off by the state of your bathroom."

"I cleaned!"

She kissed me then rinsed the shampoo out of her hair.

After the shower, we snuggled together in my freshly laundered sheets. Nan chose one of my oversized sweatshirts to tug on over her nude body. I opted for a pair of pajama bottoms.

As we drifted off to sleep with my arms wrapped around her and her cool little feet tangled up with mine, I considered her joking comments about Sandy's long smooth shaft.

Did I really want that massive thing stuffed up inside me?

I felt a slight twitching as my cock reacted to my thoughts.

"Down boy," Nan said. "You've got to wake up early and then there's your heavy date. Save your strength."

I considered. My thoughts went to Fiona. Her dress today had showed off a lot of cute ripe curves.

"Goodnight, Sean," she said, air kissing me.

"Night, babe." I kissed her shoulder and endeavored to get some sleep.


The next morning I silenced the alarm a five and rolled out of bed. I sauntered to the kitchen digging out a coffee filter.

I hit the button and turned to the little iPod jack, powering it up and, smiling, searched for the proper music to rouse Nan.

Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" started up at a reasonable volume and in a few moments Nancy appeared with her hair wild and her eyes groggy.

"It's horrible being in a relationship with a morning person," she said.

I picked her up and sat her bare ass on the counter, kissing her as she smiled. "Can I eat you for breakfast? I'm craving strawberry blonde on toast."

"I definitely need to pour myself a cup of ambition," she said.

I combed my fingers through the tangles of her hair. She picked up my blackberry from it's charger. "Oh, you have your new contacts page still up. Betty."

"I forgot to text her last night."

"Probably a bit early," Nan said. "However..." she opened another new contact page and added a number she chose from a list on her own phone. "Take your cock out," she ordered.


"Come on. You look cute in your pj's. Showing off your cute abs." She reached for the drawstring on my bottoms and I stepped away.

"Look it's still a little new, Nancy. I don't think I'm at the stage where I'm ready to send pictures of myself to a guy I've only just met."

She stuck out her bottom lip. "Think of him, all alone in his bedroom this morning, the taste of you fading from his lips like a memory."

"I'm sure he's brushed his teeth since yesterday." I moved to where the coffee pot was now nearly full and took two mugs out of the cupboard.

Her arms went around my waist as she kissed my shoulder. She was such a petite little thing, her kiss landed just north of my shoulder blade.

She took her coffee and had a long sip, holding my blackberry up and snapping a picture. "Alright," she said. "Next one we send, though, you're whipping your cock out for him."

She sent the pic and typed a message. "Good morning, sexy..."

"I'm perfectly capable of flirting for myself," I said.

"Yes, but you've got to be forward with shy guys like Sandy. Take the initiative. Sassy and sexy."

"I would hardly describe him as shy," I said. "His mouth says things quicker than his mind has time to process sometimes. He said a few things yesterday that were downright rude."

Nan smiled, blowing on her coffee. "You didn't seem to let them stop you."

My blackberry buzzed in her hand. "Ooh! He's an early bird, too."

She opened the text, her eyes widened. "Apparently he's not as shy as you are. God, Sean, you weren't kidding."

I snatched the phone. It was indeed a rather impressive dick pic.

"He's offering to bring you coffee," her eyebrows wiggled. "You sure you want blonde on toast and not hot sausage?"

"Maybe they go well together?"

Nan rolled her eyes. "I need to find my underwear," she said. "You're due on campus soon, anyway."

I pulled out my cock and snapped a quick erotic selfie and sent it to her phone. It chimed and she smirked at it. "I could send this to Sandy, now. What's to prevent me?"

I shrugged. "If you like. But I'm comfortable with you having a dirty pic of me on your phone."

She peeled out of my sweat shirt and took up her phone. She put the tip of her index finger between her teeth and cooked her hip, jutting her cute little breasts up and her tight little tush out. She snapped a few pictures and sent them to me. "So I'm always in your pocket when you need me."

I lifted her up and set her once more on my counter. She laughed and opened her legs wide. I pushed the tip of my cock to her opening. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"You're a cruel tease," I said, withdrawing and rushing to the medicine cabinet. I returned with a fresh rubber to find her switching up the music. "Nothing against Dolly," she said. "But she's hardly breakfast sex music."

She selected Nina Simone and then lay back as I pressed into her tight little twat.

"You're going to be late and smell like sex," she admonished.


"Just shut up and be quick," she said. "You still have to make me some eggs before you rush out the door."

After we'd both achieved climax, I did as instructed and scrambled Nan an egg while she dressed in her clothes from yesterday. She waltzed back into the kitchen in time to push the toast down.

She refilled both our coffee cups as I went into the bedroom to quickly make my bed and chose my outfit for the day. I came out to find her beaming over my blackberry.

"He sent that for me," I said.

"Can't a girl admire? Besides, I've never been with two guys. You think Sandy might like to try it with a girl in the room?"

"Right now, he still doesn't know that you know," I said.

I texted Sandy. Saying I was busy most of the morning but could find time to meet him somewhere for lunch.

Nan's phone likewise chimed. She checked the messages.

"Cass wants to meet up and go to the Student Rec Center to work out. Did you get enough breakfast, babe?"

"Should hold me until lunch, at least," I winked.

I made it to campus and met with the other reporters and editors of the college paper. The meeting was brief and I immediately got to work on my stories for the week.

Within a few hours I'd made a few calls and filed my story notes. At about 9:45 a.m., I looked around at the semi-deserted newsroom. I opened up the browser on my desktop and typed "Alessandro D'Goya" into the search engine.

Sandy's handsome face with his dark hair appeared along with links to the film school and to websites promoting quite a few indie films he had directed.

I clicked his bio on the film school's web page and saw a long list of regional awards and accolades for some of his most recent projects.

"Ah, thinking of doing a profile story?"

I looked up to find Sam, our features editor, looking over my shoulder.

"I, uh, he's supposed to be this hot shot director guy, right?"

"Up for a big festival award," Sam nodded. "I've been looking for someone brave enough to try and approach him for an interview. He's supposed to be very reclusive. Brooding artist type."

I leaned back in my desk chair. "You've reached out to the film school?"

"He's very cagey about giving out his contact information."

I nodded. "Challenge accepted," I said. "I'll see if I can get him."

Sam nodded. "Good luck. Let me know if you get around the brick wall."

Another hour and a half later, I'd run around town to conduct interviews. I pulled out my blackberry before tossing my jacket into my truck.

I opened it to see the image Sandy had sent earlier that morning. I let my thumbs dance across the keyboard.

"Busy?" I texted. "I've found out my features editor has been trying to get a reporter to interview you."

I sent the text, then opened my other contacts. I scrolled to find Betty's number.

I thought a moment, then: "Greetings from your soon-to-be downstairs neighbor. Everything Jake?"

I climbed into the cab, my pocket buzzing with a replay message.

It was Betty. The picture that accompanied her text showed her in lipstick and pearl earrings. Her hair, though short, was combed forward with dark bangs over her forehead.

"Dull morning. In town. Want to hang?" She asked.

I replied. "I'm popular today. Maybe a quick walk in the quad? You like legal addictive stimulants?"

My phone buzzed. "Depends," she said. "How stimulating and addictive are you planning on being?"

I nodded. Definite flirt vibes.

My phone buzzed again. This one was from Sandy. "Isn't it a conflict of interest to sleep with a story source? ;)"

I said I'd meet Betty in the quad in 10 minutes. Then asked Sandy if Lunch would work at 1?

I fired up my truck as the blackberry buzzed with dual text messages.

Betty: "See you in 10."

Sandy: "I suppose you can pick me up from the studios. L8r."

I drove to campus and parked at the student union and walked to the quad with my jacket over my arm.

It was a beautiful spring day, the sun shone bright across the great green lawn and illuminated the stained glass of the Campanella Tower.

I took a seat on a bench, letting the sun warm my face, letting my eyes close and my mind drift.

There was a sound of skateboard wheels clicking over cracks in pavement and then the cick-flip of a board expertly brought from the ground into a waiting hand. I felt someone join me on the bench and opened my eyes to discover Betty, clad in a pair of hip-hugger boardshorts and a halter top. Her close-cropped black hair fell into her eyes as she smiled skittishly. She carried a small backpack over one shoulder.

"Better than the church suit?" She asked, presenting herself with a wave.

I nodded. "Stunning, in fact."

"I have to sneak the clothes I want to wear out in my backpack and then change into them at a gas station," she said.

I sat up from the reclining position and turned to her. "Fiona said you prefer she/her terms," I said.

"And I also like guys," she said. "But dating in a small town has been difficult so far."

I nodded. "I can imagine it's tough." I stood, offering her my hand. "We did say legal stimulants and a walk around the quad, did we not?"

She took my hand and we began walking in the direction of a sandwich truck that sold iced coffee drinks.

"Pick your pleasure," I said, taking out my billfold.

She put her hands behind her back and selected an iced caramel macchiato. I order a simple cold brew, black.

"Very manly," Betty supplied. "Give him a pump of sweet cream or something, soften him up a bit."

I nodded, accepting the alteration to my coffee order before paying.

We resumed our walk. Her dainty lips sucked at the little plastic straw of her macchiato.

"So, what are you coming here to study?" I asked.

"Theater," she said. "My freshman year in high school I played Sky Masterson in our school production of Guys and Dolls. I've been hooked ever since."

I considered her sideways. "My high school did Guys and Dolls," I said.

"No way! Let me guess," she looked me up and down. "Nathan Detroit?"

I cleared my throat. "Call a lawyer and sue me, sue me, what can you do me. I love you."

She smiled. "Just imagining you in pinstripes, a polka-dot tie, and a fedora," she shrugged.

"Likewise," I winked.

"Har-har, I was no Brando," she said. "And I much preferred playing Cecily in The Importance of Being Earnest my junior year. The boy playing Algernon was so cute. But, alas, he was involved with our stage manager."

"Hmm," I said.

"What's that mean?" she smiled.

"It means 'Hmm,'" I said.

"You're curious but you don't want to be indelicate," she smiled. "At least you're not ham-handedly asking me if I still have my dick."

I tugged at my ear. "You also haven't asked me about Fiona."

"She said you two were going to hang out later. I think she's sweet on you. You like her?"

I shrugged. "She's cool. And then there's Nancy.",0,0,0,5,847


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