
Hey! I wrote some fetish stuff because I felt like it. Anyone not into wetting will likely want to skip this one because that's most of what's going on. Wetting, humiliation, mind control, and dream warping. Someone messes with their partner's dreams and while I personally think that's hot, I understand if you don't wanna read that kinda thing.

(Thanks to my coolpal Emma for reading this through


Mia huffed. "But you'd look so cute in wet pants!"

"I dunno about that," Sandra said, rolling her eyes. She carried the plates back into the kitchen and started scraping. She still had on her work clothes from the office despite having just enjoyed a fun movie marathon. The movie had just wrapped and their dinner finished when, inevitably, the topic turned back to kink.

"Oh c'mon, you won't even try it?" Mia asked for the dozenth time. She wore her sweater and tights combination, the latter still a little sweaty from where Sandra had sat on her lap. She carried in the glasses and set them in the dishwasher while she waited for one of the excuses Sandra used.

"Listen, I love you to bits, you know that. And God do I love when you take control. But...wetting myself," she blushed just saying the words out loud. "That sounds...messy."

"That's part of the fun!" Mia retorted, "Plus the humiliation of course."

"Isn't it unsanitary?"

"We can wash right after. We can wash together if you want~"

Sandra stared at her, expression cracking up into a grin. "You're incorrigible. And don't misconstrue this as kink shaming! We both got some wild tastes, I'll admit. But...you might have guessed that I'm a nervous person,"

"You are?!" Mia covered her mouth in feigned shock.

"Yes. And because I'm as tightly wound as a rubber band airplane, I'm never gonna be in a position where I feel relaxed enough to do...that."

"So your problem is that you aren't able to relax, eh? What if I could help with that?" Mia asked, feigning being deep in thought by stroking her chin.

Sandra raised an eyebrow. "Relaxing? How is that a kink?"

"It's not!" Mia exclaimed, throwing up her hands, "I'm just saying that, if I can get you to mellow out, maybe we can try some of my...y'know...fetishy stuffs."

Sandra mulled it over, tilting her head from side to side. "I...umm..." After a beat, and a sigh, she threw up her hands. "Alright, fine. If you know a way I can unwind, I'll give being a pants pisser a shot."


"What in the good goddamn is that?"

Sandra stood at the foot of their queen sized bed with her hands on her hips, staring agog at the bizarre contraption. It looked like something out of a 1950s science fiction film. A large suitcase-sized computing device with a huge screen displaying a wavering green line sat on the side, linked to an awkward headset that cascaded down with little contacts like an electroshock device.

Mia slid past her and moved the device to their side table, which creaked under the weight. "It's just a prototype. It's what I've been working on back at the lab!"

"Morpheus?" Sandra asked.

"You remembered!" Mia replied, touched that Sandra had paid attention through her long, droning discussions of work. "We had the change the name for copyright reasons."

"Someone owns the Greek God of Dreams?"

"Hey, I'm not gonna fuck with lawyers. We decided to call it REMIS. Rapid Eye Movement Induction Stimulator. It's a kind of...turbo boost for dreams. Your brain patterns get sifted through the big device here," Mia slapped the casing gently, "Then targeted stimulated pulses at key points along the skull steer the brain away from wakefulness, temporarily, to avoid getting thrown out of dreamland too soon. Not only does it calm you to help get to sleep, but it keeps you under until you're rested. It's worked incredibly well with our test subjects! And, well, I know how much you struggle wind down at night."

Sandra cast a weary eye over at the array of incense, white noise, and warming pads she'd used over the years to try and relax enough to catch at least a couple hours when she was most stressed. They all filled a large delivery box at the bottom of her closet, labelled 'JUNK'.

"Sleeping through the night would be a pleasant change. But you're sure this thing is safe?"

Mia nodded. "I tried it on myself first. Remember those couple nights I spent at the lab? Well, I woke up in the morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. And you know how much I hate mornings!"

Sandra nodded, slowly. "I...I'm still not quite sure..."

"I totally get it. It's a little spooky to put your brain in the hands of machine. But, rest assured, I'll be monitoring the system Very closely. Anything bad happens, I'll pull you out right away."

"What? No, you gotta work tomorrow," Mia said. Her weekend had just started, something Sandra had been counting on.

"I got some sick days saved up. Plus, if I'm lucky, I can write this off as work! In field testing babyyy." She flashed her a pair of thumbs ups.

"Fine. Okay, one night, I'll try this silly thing. But if I enter a coma, I'm blaming you."

Thirty minutes of bathroom ablutions and mechanical setup later, Sandra slid into bed wearing a pair of ultra comfortable penguin pajamas. Mia fitted the device onto her partner's head, careful not to muss up her hair or make it feel too tight.

"I feel ridiculous..." Sandra grumbled.

"You're at the forefront of science, babe! They'll be talking about you years down the line. Well, mostly me, but you'll be there too!" Mia absorbed the sarcastic deathglare from Sandra before continuing. "Now, this'll take a while to sync to your brainwaves. Let me know when you're ready."

Sandra took a deep breath. "Well...time to be a guinea pig I guess. Hit me up."

Mia flicked the old-fashioned tactile switches, turned a few nobs, and hit the big large 'Initiate' button. Sandra took one look at the device, then one at Sandra, then closed her eyes. Moments later, Sandra heard the gentle noise of her breath.

"You must have been exhausted, poor thing!" Mia mumbled to herself. She'd never seen such a quick reaction to the technology. Clearly, her SO was in need of some relaxation! And she knew just the way to make it happen~

From underneath the bed, Mia pulled out a second REMIS headset. This one was subtly different in shape and construction, serving as a control module for the other one. She sat it on her head and went to work loading the program she wrote especially for this moment.

The little LED screen read 'LOADING: WATERFALLS', and Mia couldn't hide her giddy grin. She couldn't believe it! In mere moments, Sandra would see just how relaxed she could become.


It started in media res, as all dreams did. Sandra had her seat in the centre of the auditorium, one that blended elements of several classrooms from her university days. An attached seat and little desklet attached to an armrest, the kind that hadn't seen repair since the 70s. The class was full of murmuring students whose faces she recognised but couldn't name to save her life.

At the front of the class, a woman dressed in a smart office skirt and cardigan sweater looked much familiar. It was Mia! She wanted to smile and wave, but remembered her girlfriend was at work and that was frowned upon. She didn't want to be seen as the Teacher's Pet after all.

"Good morning class!" Mia said, beaming at the room of illusions surrounding Sandra. The program looked more even more realistic than it had in the simulator! Her partner's mind must have been filling in the details herself, adding to the verisimilitude of the dreamspace. As a scientist, it was something she'd want to explore down the line. But for the moment, there were more pressing matters at hand.

"Alright, I hope you all had read the passages from your hydrology textbook that I told you to cover because guess what?" She whipped out a stack of stapled papers from underneath her desk. "Pop quiz time!"

The whole class groaned, including Sandra. Pop quiz? Hydrology? A dawning realization crossed her face...she hadn't studied at all for this. Had she even taken an Earth Science course before? Oh, jeez, she was going to flunk this for sure!

Mia was careful to play to the script, handing out each paper to the students in turn. She risked a hint of familiarity when she laid the paper on Sandra's desk and squeezed the clearly nervous woman's hand.

"Just do your best, sweetie," she whispered before moving on. A building sense of anticipation grew in her belly at the next series of events. It had been carefully orchestrated, but the human mind was incredibly capable of adapting. She'll have to see if her programming was up to the task!

Sandra meanwhile was aghast. The test was a series of pictures of waterfalls, each different, with a dozen different lines leading to empty square boxes. That was it. Besides the title 'Waterfalls" at the top, there were no other words. The other students started writing in answers feverishly as soon as they got the test, but Sandra didn't have the faintest idea where to begin!

She stared, dumbfounded, searching her mind for recollection of the lessons on waterfalls. As she looked, the waterfalls began to move. Incalculable masses of water rushed down the page like a video. Sandra flipped it over, then back. Some kind of smart paper? In the silence of the classroom, she could hear them too. A gentle but omnipresent rush of flowing water, trickling around rocks before flowing inexorably down, and down.

And that's when she felt it: she needed to use the bathroom.

"Uhh Miss?" she whispered harshly, "May I be excused to-"

"Absolutely not!" Mia said a little too harshly. She dialed it down a shade with the rest of the reply. "That is to say, you are allowed to leave, but you'll be forfeiting the test. For all I know you have the answers pasted to the restroom door. You're a big girl, Sandra. Finish the test, then go to the toilets."

Several heads had turned toward her at that point. She shrank down, nodding without conviction before returning to her test. All she had to do was finish it. Only two sheets, double sided, how hard could it be?

By the time the first student got up to hand in their completed test, Sandra had gotten nowhere. She wrote in answers, scratch them out, wrote in different ones. All the while the images and noises of waterfalls rolled on, their seemingly infinite flow only making it more difficult. She clenched her thighs together, tapped her feet, stretched out her legs over and over, did everything she knew to keep her mind off the growing pressure in her tummy.

More students got up, seemingly happy with their efforts. That only made her feel more nervous, more stressed! And no matter how long she stared at these waterfalls, nothing came to her! It's like she hadn't taken the course at all!

"Fifteen minute warning," Mia said in her best impression of a tired academic. Time was very fluid in a dream state, of course. According to her headset's internal chronometer it had only been twenty minutes since she'd put Sandra under, but time had gone by in the dream world as if they were an hour and 45 minutes into the session.

Caught between two undesirable outcomes, Sandra realized that the less desirable one was to wet herself. She held up her hand, and Mia approached.

"Okay okay, I forfeit the test. Can I go now?" she asked, flashing a desperate look at her 'teacher'.

"Can I get a reason?" Mia asked, whipping out a clipboard.


"A reason, for you failing the test. If it's not good enough, I might have to take it up with the Dean."

"The Dean?!" she squeaked. The last thing she wanted to do was take a report to the head of the school that said "Sandra Wilkins failed a test because she needed to tinkle'. She sunk back into her chair, her cheeks red.

"Honey, it's only another 15 minutes. Just hold on for a little while longer. You can then hand in the test and I'll let you go to the washroom."

Another quarter hour sounded like an eternity to Sandra, but she settled back down and focused on containing herself. All her little tricks, clenching and tapping and even squeezing herself through her pants didn't go unnoticed by the remaining students around her, but she was too far gone to care. Her eyes were locked to the clock, watching seconds tick by at a crawl while student after student turned in their test papers.

Soon, it was just the two of them in the large lecture hall. Mia put a hand over her mouth to conceal her grin. The sensors on her HUD told her that Sandra was past the point of no return now. With that in mind, she set the clock to the end of class.

"Alright dear, it's over. Turn in your paper."

Sandra bolted out of her seat. But in the rush to move, she lost momentary control!

"Eep!" she squeaked, a little trickle of pee escaping into the fabric of her panties. With a Herculean effort, she held back from losing any more control, but what had just happened meant confronting a terrible truth. She couldn't walk anymore. All that jostling would make her wet just as assuredly as anything else. She was trapped!

"What's the matter? I thought you had to go?" Mia asked, approaching the scene of the imminent disaster.

"I...I can't anymore..." Sandra admitted, sitting back down in her seat, "I...if I stand up, it'll all come out! But I can't just stay here..." She whimpered, her control flagging with every passing second. Mia tried and failed to hide her delight. She leaned down and whispered.

"Well then, I guess you know what to do now. Poor Sandra, all that tension and control and it's gotten you stuck in a rut. But you have a choice. It's not your fault. It's out of your control now. You can just...Relax. Just be a Good Girl and...Let Go for me, won't you? It'll feel so good, I promise~"

That exact word use triggered a macro to play a loop of three phrases, over and over, just above the sound of the paper waterfall.

Good Girl


Let Go

It wasn't long before the inevitable happened. With a resigned sigh, Dream Sandra's muscles relaxed. She opened her legs all the way and let the floodgates pop open on their own. Warmth blossomed out from the little damp patch that had formed until it soaked her panties. Soon her jeans were staining too. All the tension in her body seemed to melt away in an instant with that heat, her worries flowing into her jeans and running down her leg. She leaned back into the seat, warm piss soaking her socks and the seat of her plastic chair. Mia smiled down at her, enjoying the sight of total, complete surrender.

"I guess you're not a big girl after all," she said, running her fingers through Sandra's hair. "You failed your potty training as well as the test."

Sandra gave a dreamy nod. "Uh huh...whoopsies..."

"Shh," Mia soothed, "It's alright. This happens all the time, especially to Good Girls with weak bladders like you. Next time you feel like you really need to go, why bother fighting it? It feels so good to be free of that tension, that worry."

Sandra found it hard to argue with that. A puddle formed underneath her chair as she made her own little waterfall, her wetting flowing freely and unhindered into a full fledged 'accident'. There was no denying it. She'd peed her pants like a little girl in class, in front of her teacher. And...it felt good~

Mia smiled. "Good Girl."


Mia managed to exit the REMIS program just in time. With her GF blissed out of her mind, an encore performance by her new favourite pants piddler was inevitable. She gently tugged the blanket free to get a better view; Sandra would be warm enough in a moment~

Her sleeping beauty was resting on her side, legs together when it started. All the tension drained from her body, and she looked more relaxed than any time Mia had ever seen her in bed. Sandra mumbled something like "feels good" and rolled onto her back, letting her legs part. This time there was no hesitation, no accidental spurts that heralded a limit. One moment she was holding it back, the next she was wetting the bed. The stain spread quickly, damp tendrils appearing along her inner thigh and down to the mattress. Sandra's cute panties and penguin pyjamas soaked through quickly, but there was plenty of room for the pee to flow. She was visibly smiling in her sleep, in spite of (or because of) the steady flow soaking the padding underneath her bedspread. Washing or replacing that was a small price to pay for this perfectly captured moment of helpless innocence.

She knelt down to kiss Sandra's forehead, careful not to jostle the headset. "There's my Good Girl," she said, beaming. A naughty thought crossed her mind, and she reached over to feel the flow through the fabric. Warm wetness clung to her questing fingers. "There's my little bedwetting princess. It's alright, it's out of your control now. And if you want, we'll work on weakening those muscles until this is a regular occurrence, until you won't be able to stop from going potty in your panties like a Good Girl for me. But that's for later. In the meantime, relax and enjoy the warmth of your little accident~"

Sandra couldn't hear her, of course. Despite having completely soaked her sheets, she was deep into the most relaxing night of sleep she'd had in years.












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